Home beer brewing and wine making with the Oakes family

This blog is about home brewing beer and wines. The Oakes family has been brewing beer and wine at home for a couple of decades now, and is happy to share our experiences with the rest of the world. Home Brew it, you can do it!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

First Blog

Good Day all,

It was bound to happen, I got sucked into blogging. Well at least I'm blogging about my favorite past-time, Alcohol, or the making of it :)

This blog will be where all can read about my latest beer brewing or wine making adeventures.

At the time of this post, I have successfully brewed up over 30 gals of fruit flavored wines from Island Mist kits. My favorites Blackberry Merlot, and a Green Apple reisling.

Now it's time to start making beer. I am currently brewing what I will call Loving Brau, I hope to clone my favorite beer LowenBrau. I had a difficult time finding a recipe, but the people at the beer and wine makers pantry in pinellas park florida, helped me find, and purchase the ingredients need to make a Munich Hellas Pale lager. The style of Lowenbrau is made after.

I will include the ingredients, and my step/instructions to make this first batch. I am currently boilong the wort, and in 6 minutes will add the second amount of Hops.


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