First Blog
Good Day all,
It was bound to happen, I got sucked into blogging. Well at least I'm blogging about my favorite past-time, Alcohol, or the making of it :)
This blog will be where all can read about my latest beer brewing or wine making adeventures.
At the time of this post, I have successfully brewed up over 30 gals of fruit flavored wines from Island Mist kits. My favorites Blackberry Merlot, and a Green Apple reisling.
Now it's time to start making beer. I am currently brewing what I will call Loving Brau, I hope to clone my favorite beer LowenBrau. I had a difficult time finding a recipe, but the people at the beer and wine makers pantry in pinellas park florida, helped me find, and purchase the ingredients need to make a Munich Hellas Pale lager. The style of Lowenbrau is made after.
I will include the ingredients, and my step/instructions to make this first batch. I am currently boilong the wort, and in 6 minutes will add the second amount of Hops.
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